LIFELINES - Summer Edition 2023





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He thought he wanted her to have an abortion, until...

Kasey was undecided about her pregnancy, she felt nervous and afraid; she was the mother of a two-year old little boy and not sure she could handle another baby. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, and was pushing her to get an abortion.Read more

Pregnant college student turned away by Planned Parenthood. Welcome by Sacramento Life Center.

Pregnant college student at 22 weeks gestation came to Sacramento Life Center because she'd been rejected at Planned Parenthood. She was terrified of how her parents would react when she told them, opened her heart to our patient advocate, and wept bitterly.Read more

Struggling mom bravely faces terrifying diagnosis. Beats the odds!

Kristen had always wanted a baby boy. But with two little girls in tow, and struggling to get ahead in life, she wasn't sure she was ready for another baby. When she discovered her baby had gastroschisis , she called Sacramento Life Center in tears.Read more

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