Amber started her day at the Gathering Inn Homeless Shelter complaining she was not feeling well. She had no health insurance and seemingly no support of any kind. The shelter had provided her a place to sleep for the night and a social worker to assess her needs.
With the social worker’s help, Amber was seen by a doctor at the St. Vincent De Paul Medical Clinic, a triage clinic for the homeless and uninsured. In turn she was referred to the Sacramento Life Center’s Mobile Medical Clinic.
It had never occurred to Amber that she might be pregnant.
At the Life Center, her suspected pregnancy was confirmed through ultrasound. She was shocked to learn she was indeed pregnant, and amazed to meet her baby via ultrasound. Her Life Center patient advocate listened to Amber’s concerns and helped her identify solutions to her problems.
Amber accepted her advocate’s help to be connected to immediate prenatal care and health insurance enrollment. In addition, the Life Center worked throughout Amber’s pregnancy to secure a long-term solution to her housing problem, support her emotionally, and connect her with other valuable community resources.
In the end Amber’s unplanned and unsupported pregnancy was the key that unlocked a healthy and promising future for her and her child.