Halima, her husband and their 5 children had just made the long journey from their homeland, the small Kingdom of Jordan, to Sacramento.
As Halima and her husband worked to help settle their family, not just into a new home and school for their children, but also into a new country and culture very foreign to their own experience, Halima thought she was suffering from jet lag. She felt fatigued, but even after a couple of weeks she hadn’t regained her energy. When the realization dawned on her that she might be pregnant, she didn’t know where to turn.
They had no friends or family support in Sacramento. They had no health insurance, doctor, medical records or any idea of how to access help. Looking on the internet...
Halima’s husband found the Sacramento Life Center.
They came in together for a confirmation of pregnancy and spoke in-depth with a patient advocate.
They were referred to a number of community organizations that would help them access services including Medi-Cal, OB doctors, Birth and Beyond, WIC and the Gabriel Project. Halima received prenatal vitamins, pregnancy education literature, and an appointment for a return visit.
Her second appointment at the Sacramento Life Center was for an ultrasound. After having had 5 pregnancies, there aren’t many surprises for an experienced mother, but Halima’s ultrasound managed to provide a surprise for the whole clinic.
The sonographer confirmed a twin pregnancy!
The couple was thrilled and excited to share the news with the rest of their family.
Halima and her husband have become a part of the Life Center family as well. Their twins are 18 months old, a boy and a girl, and they all return to see us monthly for moral and material support including diapers, wipes, and other baby items. The family of 9 has been a joy to watch as they have grown and adjusted to life in their new hometown. They have been very grateful for the services of the Sacramento Life Center and we have been blessed to serve them.