A half broken down van filled with stuff pulled up to Mobile Clinic...
Janet and her boyfriend Jim were looking for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Janet told Lisa she was undecided about her pregnancy. She was 42 years old and worried about potential problems due to her age and her habit of drinking, smoking, and drug use, not to mention homelessness and a lack of resources.
Lisa encouraged Janet to take care of herself, so she could take care of her baby!
She gave her referrals for medical insurance, prenatal care, housing, food, and transportation. They discussed Janet’s substance abuse use, and Lisa gave Janet referrals to programs that would help her quit. Despite the many resources, Janet still seemed reluctant.
Finally she shared that she had an abortion at age 14. She was threatened to have an abortion or be kicked out. She felt she had no choice even though she had wanted to parent.
Now Janet was worried she would not be a good mother.
Lisa reminded Janet that she was already a good mother because she cared!
Jim, the baby’s father, seemed excited and supportive. He said that he just wanted Janet to have an ultrasound, so she could see the baby. Lisa went over the stages of development and showed Janet what her baby looked like; Janet cried as she imagined her baby. Lisa realized this is the reason we do what we do;
We are here to help lift our clients up when they are down.
Janet and Jim came to the ultrasound appointment.
They were excited, but nervous.
The baby measured 7 weeks and 3 days. Janet was emotional seeing her baby on the screen and she kept asking if it was really alive. Our sonographer assured her that her baby was very much alive and showed her the heart beat. Janet said wanted to speak with a doctor about her substance abuse and its possible effects on the baby, but she was now planning to continue her pregnancy.
During her pregnancy Janet continued to experience ups and downs. Jim fell back to using drugs which led to a break in their relationship. Janet was worried about continuing her pregnancy without Jim’s support. Lisa asked if she could help find her somewhere to stay, and Janet told her that an older lady had invited Janet to stay with her.
Lisa said that it looked like God was providing a grandma to see her through her pregnancy. Lisa said, “You have support; just say yes to it.” Janet’s face turned from fearful to hopeful.
Without a phone, Janet didn’t stay in touch with Lisa. Lisa didn’t know if she continued her pregnancy or not until one day as Lisa was driving to the Life Center, she turned to see a woman riding her bike. She looked so happy and at peace…
It was Janet and she had a beautiful full pregnant belly!