Dear Friends,
Unplanned pregnancies have not stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic and neither has abortion. While abortion clinics have not rested during this time, neither has the Sacramento Life Center! We have not ceased in serving those facing unplanned pregnancy. We have stepped up to meet the needs of women, children, and families amid the current fluidly changing situation.
The coronavirus has called for adaptation, but not cessation of our pregnancy help. We have gotten creative and persist in saving and supporting lives.
It has been a little over a month since California’s “Shelter-In-Place” mandate was put in place. Since March 20th, the Sacramento Life Center has served over 246 women in some capacity: telephone option consultations, nurse tele-advocacy consultations, OB and prenatal referrals, baby item sidewalk pick-ups, and even baby furniture deliveries! Our in-clinic appointments have been reserved for those women with the most critical situations and are considering terminating their pregnancies. Meeting with our professional staff and receiving an ultrasound continues to change hearts and save lives.
We are happy to announce that this week we are increasing our in-clinic appointment schedule with all the COVID 19 safety measures in place. Any woman seeking our services can call and make an appointment. Hooray!!
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to help us through this challenging time. From financial help, baby items, letters, and words of encouragement. We could not do this work without you!
With the prediction of an increased amount of pregnancies during COVID 19, we ask for your continued support as we step forward to embrace lives, one pregnancy at a time.
Your friend for Life,
Marie Leatherby
Executive Director
Due to Federal, State and Sacramento County COVID 19 recommendations, our hours and services have been altered.
Please call for more information. 916-451-4357
Updated COVID 19 information from the CDC if you think you are sick and on how to protect yourself: Click Here.